Friday, July 10, 2009

Just an Introduction

Good evening!

My name is Karen and this is probably my third blog that I write. I am a chocolatier for my business, Cocoa Earth, which suscribes to what I call the LOFT philosophy (Local, Organic, and Fair Trade). I am probably only one of the rare few in my area that uses organic and fair trade chocolate to create chocolate delicacies such as truffles, barks, and brownies. As well, my ingredients are from local farmers, and I never use artificial flavours. My business is still in the making but you can check out my website:

So, my other blog is with my husband in which we try to create some culinary delights and blog about it: Here we talk about our local produce from a community-supported agriculture (CSA) that we partake in, as well as our love for creating artisan bread.

Why a different culinary blog? Well, as much as we love culinary cuisine, we have family and friends that disbelieve that we can enjoy all this great food with a limited budget. In fact, we do. I am an office administrator and my husband is a grad student. We have a little daughter and basically we enjoy life and do not rely on microwaveable frozen dinners and breakfast in a can to sustain us. We LOOOVVVEEEE food and that is something we share. Why spend $2.50 for a unsavoury frozen meal when you can have wonderful dinners and lunches for the same amount or less?

I want to share my secrets and what I have discovered along the way. I too, was victim to Michelina's and Chunky soup throughout college and I vowed that once I left school, I would never ever subject myself to that sodium-laced food again. I welcomed veggies, farms eggs, and glorious fresh-picked fruit! And don't forget meat. Meat is expensive, but can be part of a culinary budget too.

Looking forward to blogging more,

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